Service Problems? You Need a Paper Trail

James Butler Helps Owners Protect Their Rights.

In his August 2006 “Inside Fractionals” column for Business Jet Traveler, Shaircraft CEO, James Butler, explains why it’s important to document poor service from your provider.

Butler notes that when your aircraft is late or other flight problems occur, at a minimum, you may be entitled to some additional flight time. If you’ve experienced a series of problems, and have a well-negotiated contract, you may even be able to claim a default by the provider entitling you to a higher payout when the provider repurchases your share. In both instances, however, Butler warns that, rather than just complaining, you should “.document the problem in writing.”

“[T]o preserve your rights,” Butler counsels, “keep copies of all documentation relating to your flights, including the times the trips are scheduled, the requested and actual departure times, the actual arrival times, the reasons stated for any delays and any other pertinent information.” He adds, “If you experience delays or other problems on a flight, contact the provider immediately in writing and detail what happened.” Furthermore, if the provider admits responsibility for a problem, Butler advises that you, “.get that admission in writing right away…”

In closing, Butler explains, “In a business where, literally, time is money, that paper trail may be valuable indeed.”

Inside Fractionals: “Service Problems? You Need a Paper Trail”

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