Picking the Best Payback

James Butler Highlights Alternatives to Extra Flight Time Concessions When Service Doesn't Measure Up

In his October 2005 contribution to Business Jet Traveler’s “Inside Fractionals” column, Shaircraft CEO, James Butler, explains that, when fractional service falls short, as in the case of an extended flight delay, the standard concession offered is additional flight time. Unknowingly, the majority of travelers believe simply accept this offer. However, as Butler explains, “In many cases…additional flight time offers little or no benefit. That’s because owners frequently don’t use all of their flight hours.” Additionally, Butler reminds owners, “You have to pay the hourly rate for that ‘free’ flight time when you use it, as well as fuel surcharges, excise taxes and more. So it’s really not free. There may be other concessions that can save you money or provide you with greater benefit.” Some of these alternatives include: Short-leg waivers, ferry-fee wavers, guaranteed peak day travel, guaranteed upgrades and simultaneous use. “Consider benefits that will truly add to the value and enjoyment of your investment,” Butler suggests. “More flight time may be the way to go, but as you can see, several other possibilities deserve consideration.”

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