Year-End Private Jet Deals, Only Fools Rush In

James Butler Warns Helium Report Readers Against Rushing Into Year-End Deals

In his debut contribution as an analyst for Helium Report’s “Private Jets” guide, Shaircraft CEO, James Butler, sheds light on end of the year fractional and jet-card offers and identifies key considerations for those contemplating such an investment.

Butler cautions against rushing into year-end deals that tout significant savings and other incentives. He writes, “[D]on’t necessarily hold off on making a deal but rather do your homework…” Butler’s recommendations include taking the time to thoroughly understand your needs and budget, identifying the best program for you, shopping around, understanding the cost and, of course, reading the fine print.

In closing, Butler notes, “The cost of making the wrong deal will far outweigh any year-end benefits and incentives.”

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Halogen Guides Jets: “Year-End Private Jet Deals, Only Fools Rush In”

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