Overview of Services

Crafting Your Flight Plan

There’s often a lot more to a private air travel investment than meets the eye. It’s our business to sweat the details for you. We’ll help you make the right choices and avoid costly mistakes. While most clients prefer that we help them through the entire process, we are pleased to service a particular need as well.

Analyzing Your Needs
Our first step is always an in depth discussion of your needs and budget. Based on our discussion, we’ll develop a Personal Profile and Needs Analysis that will guide us in identifying a private air travel investment that’s tailor-made for you.
Identifying the Best Program
We know the market and we’ll consider all appropriate options, including fractional jet ownership, jet card programs, charter, air taxi services, a combination of these shared-use options, whole aircraft acquisition and more.
Negotiating the Best Deal

Based on your needs and budget, we’ll put out a Request for Proposal to qualified jet companies. Knowing that we understand the business and that we’ll solicit bids from their competitors, pushes the jet companies to make their best offer up front. We’ll evaluate and negotiate these bids, and finalize the business terms of a program that best suits your needs and budget.

Legal Contract Review
Your jet company may tell you that, “Everyone signs the same standard contract.” We know better. A well-negotiated contract can add significant value for you. Just ask one of our recent NetJets clients, for whom we negotiated over 150 changes to NetJets’ so called “standard” contract.
Challenging Low Fractional Share Valuations
If you’re a fractional owner, we’ll make certain you receive fair value when you sell your share. Learn more about our share valuation expertise here.
Booking Your Next Charter

Need a charter for your next trip? We maintain relationships with many first-class charter providers. We’ll make arrangements with a safe and experienced operator, and get you the best price.

Working With Trusted Advisors & Family Offices
A financial advisor or a family office is often the first place that someone considering a private aviation investment will turn. Understandably, however, most financial advisors and family office representatives do not have the aviation or legal expertise required to negotiate a private jet deal. We know the jet companies, we know the contracts and, most importantly, we know where there’s room to negotiate. We’re happy to work alongside a client’s other trusted advisors and/or family office to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
We’ll cover all your bases so that, when all is said and done, you’ll have complete confidence that you’ve made the best possible deal.

“I called Shaircraft and, much to my surprise, within seconds, I was speaking with the CEO of the company, James Butler, who spent 30 minutes on the phone with me discussing our needs and possible options. That kind of personal service is rare these days.”

Dr. Joseph Berger
Leisure Traveler