Year-End Private Jet Deals – Only Fools Rush In

Is private aviation on your holiday wish list? Here’s what you need to know before rushing into a year-end deal.
Learning from the JetSmarter Saga

James Butler Discusses Legal Recourse After a Provider Fails to Deliver
Shaircraft Solutions CEO James Butler on the Highs and Lows of Private Aviation

“The market has proven resilient and is thriving.”
On Your Side: Shaircraft Solutions’ James Butler

Private Air Travel Advisor James Butler Profiled in Business Jet Traveler
Year-End Private Jet Deals, Only Fools Rush In

Is private aviation on your holiday wish list? Here’s what you need to know before rushing into a year-end deal.
Giving Tuesday: Give the Gift of Flight Time

Shaircraft Helps Private Air Travelers Make a Difference
Surf Air’s Troubles Raise The Question, Who’s Flying Your Airplane?

Citing Failed Business Models, Poor Management, and Undercapitalization, James Butler Reinforces the Importance of Due Diligence
Wijet Is Closing Its U.K. Operations, Changing Its Business Model

James Butler Pinpoints the Factors Behind the Financial and Operational Woes Plaguing Many Jet Providers Today
Robb Report 2018 “Best of the Best” Issue: 10 Business Jets That Reshaped Private Aviation

Shaircraft CEO, James Butler, Helps Identify the 10 Most Significant Business Jets to Enter Service Over the Past 30 Years
2018 CEO BizAv Outlook

Forecasting Growth, Butler Stresses Due Diligence When Considering a Private Aviation Investment in 2018